Friday, August 19, 2011

Good Haircut, Part Two

For the second time in 4 years, my hair has fallen out. The first time, I was astonished at the process, mourned my loss, and over the months of baldness, developed a fondness for tiedyed bandanas, handknit and newsboy style caps. I had a wig that I detested, it was a style cut that was too old for me, and the color was a washed out blonde...but it was only $18 and hey, I wasn't going to need it long. I sold it 2 years ago, gratefully saying goodbye to a time in my life that I was glad to be past. Now I am here again, no longer astonished, but still mournful, unsure if I will ever have real hair on my head again. I remember well meaning cancer survivors coming up to me in my bandana days, offering me hope and encouragement, a promise of healthy future when those days passed. I am not in that healthy future, yet, and my vanishing hair is evidence of that. So I have a better wig now, one that matches the hair color of my youth, with highlights. And without the pesky waves. I will wear it all the time, because I don't want the brave cancer survivors thinking I am a newbie, and finding out the scary truth. I will keep my happy face, because I want to, I need to, I have to. When you see me, see the fight, not the wig. It still is my hair, paid dearly for, after all.

1 comment:

  1. I,too remember that time purchasing a wig. Seemed too surreal for me to wrap my brain around. And, back in the day, they all seemed to look like the wigs you see advertised in the back of the Sunday magazine supplement. It screamed "I am a bad, ugly wig"! I purchased it and it sat, in it's cute black and white box, in my nightstand. Never put it on. Maybe it was pride but I likened it to my way of "winning" over the hair loss thing. Why is it that bald men look sexy but bald women always want to make one ask if they are on chemo? Keep fighting my friend, for the joys that this life brings amidst the pain are worth it.
