Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fraud Protection

I have a credit card from Chase. It has a healthy credit limit on it and is the only credit card I carry. I feel safe with it, because no matter what may happen, I can use it to get what I need if I get into a tough situation. A few weeks ago, I was in Virginia visiting my daughter. I thought nothing of using the card to pay for some meals out, and gas for her car. One day, we loaded up the shopping cart with $200 worth of groceries, my treat, but when I went to use the card it was denied. This has never happened to me before. I was incredulous. I felt suddenly bereft and humiliated. Turns out that Chase doesn't like fraud, and thought maybe my card had been stolen since the purchases were out of state, so they de-authorized it. I was thinking about that today, and thought that is how many people think about God. They think a belief in "someone up there or something out there" keeps them safe, that they can use it to get what they need if they get in a tough situation, like my credit card. What they don't realize is that this kind of belief is like fraud, because it isn't attached to the living God. He owns the card, so to speak, but they don't communicate with Him, so, when they need to use it, it doesn't work. It took me 15 minutes of revealing very private information to convince Chase that I was really who I was supposed to be before they re-activated my card. It is the opposite with God. He knows us, we need to know who He is. The best life is having an activated faith in the God who loves us, and who is always with us, to keep us safe.

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