Monday, April 2, 2012


I am the most pragmatic person I know.  I might have creative ideas, and silly moments, but ultimately everything I do comes back to being sensible and practical. This trait has been a good friend to me through the years. Being pragmatic doesn't mean always choosing the safe route, or the easy route, or the well traveled route. Sometimes the best way to accomplish something is to be courageous, curious, even contrarian. We walk this planet learning to solve problems as they come our way. Little children learn to navigate stairs and tricycles, speak in complete sentences, share. As we get older, those problems seem to become more complex, but mainly only in scope. We still need to learn to navigate our world in many modalities, speak so we are understood, share. Watch a baby learn to stand, see him thinking it out, practicing, finally letting go. Being sensible, we can use the same skills we have used from our earliest years to evaluate a problem, try out different solutions, determine which one will give us the answer we want, and implement that decision. Being practical, we can move forward with the least amount of emotion, and choose wisely for ourselves and encourage others as they learn to stand.

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