Friday, May 4, 2012

Listening to the day

The morning starts slowly, the sun is not yet up. The cat is up and wants his morning snack. He wants out. He has bad tricks he plays if he cannot have those things. As the day dawns, the coffee is poured, daily bible reading is read. The geese are busy chatting each other up, herons swoop over the water in elegant fashion. It is warm already, and still. The frogs make deep music underneath the bright bird calls. This is the first day of this new season, a time of reflection and peace. Each sound is special, each voice from every living thing has a purpose, a connection to the God who made each of us. We all call out to each other, and to Him, wanting to be heard. He responds to us, because He loves us. He sends us messages all day. He sends words on pages of books, in songs, in spoken form. He sends birds and butterflies, rainbows, sweet smelling flowers, chocolate. He sends sun and rain, starlight, moonlight. He sends hope and joy, patience, kindness, love, gentleness. We miss these messages because we don't listen well. Listening to the day, we feel the comfort of God, soothing our ragged souls, reminding us that we are part of His eternal glory. The cat, the frog, the geese, the heron, you, and me.

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