Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Somewhat less than amazing

We can get used to striving to be amazing. We can have the best shoes, hair, job. We can walk into a room with the best dessert, the best wrapped present, drive the nicest car. We can get hit with bad news and continue to smile and wear lipstick and our prettiest earrings. We can keep striving to be amazing, but at some point the striving starts to cost too much. We start to make our amazing cake icing and realize we don't have the right sugar. We don't have enough birthday candles to decorate it. We can't find the matches to light the few candles we do scrape together from the bottom of the kitchen junk drawer. Each setback leaves us breathless and frazzled. We don't get the looks we are used to, we mumble "Sorry" and tear up when we think of what we could have done, but were not able to do. We stumble in this foreign land, the land of less than amazing. When the applause dies down and people drift back to their own lives and we are left with the lingering joys of having accomplished something we will probably never do again. This life has it's own pleasures, each amazing in it's own way. The effort to rise, and shine, to smile, to taste a little ice cream, all still amazing, even if somewhat less than it was before.


  1. You have achieved so much and no-one can take any of that away from you, ever! So you are not perfect? Who is? When someone is imperfect, it is a big relief to those around them. "Phew!" We say. "It's ok for us not to be quite so amazing too." Actually, I think we are all amazing. Ask your husband now if he thinks you are amazing. You can't stop being amazing if you try! :-) So there!

  2. A mighty fortress is our God,
    A bulwark never failing;
    Our helper He amid the flood
    Of mortal ills prevailing.
    For still our ancient foe
    Doth seek to work us woe --
    His craft and pow'r are great,
    And armed with cruel hate,
    On earth is not his equal.

    Did we in our own strength confide
    Our striving would be losing,
    Were not the right Man on our side,
    The Man of God's own choosing.
    Dost ask who that may be?
    Christ Jesus, it is He --
    Lord Sabaoth His name,
    From age to age the same --
    And He must win the battle.

    And tho this world, with devils filled,
    Should threaten to undo us,
    We will not fear, for God hath willed
    His truth to triumph thru us.
    The prince of darkness grim --
    We tremble not for him;
    His rage we can endure,
    For lo! his doom is sure --
    One little word shall fell him.

    That word above all earthly pow'rs --
    No thanks to them abideth;
    The Spirit and the gifts are ours
    Thru Him who with us sideth.
    Let goods and kindred go,
    This mortal life also;
    The body they may kill:
    God's truth abideth still --
    His kingdom is forever.

    - Martin Luther

  3. It's funny how you don't really anticipate those amazing moments, and it's the memory of them that evolves and manifests those happiest of times. Amazing happens when we least expect it. And it's always as simple as leaving your expectations at the door and embracing the routine when you find it's not so mundane after all.

  4. Ditto LInda!!! And where is that "Sorry Jar", that could be your ice cream stash!!!
