Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Praying for you

I mean to pray for you. I think about you all the time. Does that count as praying? I wonder how you are doing. I pick up the phone to call you, but don't leave a voicemail. Does that count as praying? I talk about you to close friends, how hard your situation, how brave you are. Does that count? I put your name on my prayer list and speak your name out loud. Maybe that counts. I close my eyes and think about how you pray for me, because you tell me you do, and I tell God that I am sorry that I am not as good a friend to you as you are to me. I tell Him that I love you and I want the best for you, His best for you, and I suddenly feel the electricity that comes from plugging into the source of all power. I feel connected to you and God and the potential for great miracles to take place. A tear rolls down my face. I am trembling. I am praying for you, now. I am sitting in my living room and really praying for you, sincere words tumbling out to a God who blesses even when we forget to pray, or think we are praying when we are not. I can tell the difference. I am glad that He does His work even when we do not do ours. I apologize that I thought it counted when I sent you a text or a Facebook comment. I know what counts, and I will be praying more now, because it helps me too, that power, that great love.

1 comment:

  1. Great miracles. Yes. Ice Cream Every Day. Plugged In. I know what you mean. Miracles Great and Small. It's all a miracle, there is nothing but miracles. We are so blind...
