Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mt. Adams Bar and Grill

Mt. Adams Bar and Grill is a nice place to eat, since it is not expensive and the food is good. It is especially nice when your company is an energetic young woman, who is full of fun and good conversation. I have known Elizabeth for a very long time, but only in the past few years have we really become friends. She is around my daughters' ages, so this friendship is special to me, as both my daughters now live thousands of miles away. She just got married this summer and her life is coming into full flower, wonderful to see. And she shares some of it with me, which is such a beautiful gift. We talked about lots of things, and shared some chocolate cake a la mode. We made our way back down the city streets to her home, enjoying the evening, making plans for our next "date". I don't take for granted the sharing of our lives, both at very different places on the lifetime continuum. We share a love of God, of wanting to do good works, to make a difference in the world, finding God's plan. But even being in the center of God's will can be a tough place to stand...I want to make sure she knows to get enough ice cream, so she doesn't get tired. And I will always be ready to share whatever I have with her.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Amy! What a foolish thing I've done waiting so long to grab a hold of your blog link and read your posts! I'm truly sorry that somehow I forgot to read about all the exciting things going on in your life through this wonderful route. Of course we enjoy catching up every month or so...but now I'm hooked. I've read someo on my break and I've sent the link to my family..they often ask about you, especially after we hang. I can't wait to catch up on your blog over the weekend. ha! :) I love you dearly and think so much of your wonderful family.
