Sunday, March 6, 2011

Traveling Light

I got some bad news at the doctor a few days ago. It wasn't a total surprise, but it was more serious than I had expected. It was the first time that I cried in front of him, even though it was only for a second. I had been waiting for this moment with trepidation for some long time. Yet, when the moment came and went, and the tissues were in the trashcan, the day continued to unfold like all the other days. There were smiles, and jokes, back to work and business as usual. The weekend has been filled with meals with friends, knitting, playing with the cat, cozy evenings with my husband. The moment in the exam room becomes a memory with all the other events that pass through my life. As I move through the days and weeks ahead I can carry that moment like a burden on my back or leave it where I found it. I tried carrying it around with me a little bit this weekend, since it was a new thing and bothersome, but I decided it wasn't really something I wanted to keep, so I am putting it back where it was. I like to travel light.


  1. You are a light in the darkness, even when you feel dim you are a beacon of hope and love for all those who know you. I am so honored that you are my mother.

  2. On occasion, I like to check my bags and then never go to baggage claim. Love you Amy!

  3. Nicely said Mary. I agree. I think you are seriously one of the most amazing women I know. I have learned so much from- either from your incredible journal online or from meeting you in cozy cafes in Cinti. I admire you greatly.
    Looking forward to dinner Thur.
    Love, Elizabeth

  4. Thank you Myra for your kind comments. Your comment was inadvertently unsaved, but was very thoughtful. I am glad the strength God is giving me to face the future is able to be shared with others who need it. May God fill your cup to overflowing with His many blessings.
