Friday, June 17, 2011

Falling in Love

I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to miss the laugh, the kiss, the snuggle. I wanted to stay somewhat aloof and strong, guarding my heart against tears and loneliness. But love sneaked in, wiggling little arms and legs, into the guarded parts. Green eyes, curly red hair, the barest hint of summer freckles across the childish nose, she planted herself firmly in the center of my heart, taking up every empty space and breaking every promise I made myself. Little shoes and socks litter the floor, milky puddles on the table and sticky fingers on the couch. It doesn't matter, she is here with me. She is brave and strong, endearing and funny. She carries all the hope for the future in her little fingers. She mimics our actions and words, taking our presence into tomorrow, even if our physical bodies do not go with her. She will speak for us when our voices are silent, she will work for us when our hands are still.  She will carry our love into a big world and we will live it together. There will be tears in the end, but falling in love is really the best ice cream there is.

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