Monday, June 27, 2011

Flour and Oil

My husband and I have had lots of medical upheavals in the past four years. Last week, while driving myself to the doctor, I had a little talk with God. It went something like this..."What is faith for if it doesn't change anything?" I am a little ashamed to admit this, but after 4 years, with no end in sight, one gets burned out on the whole pray for a miracle scene. Anyway, this conversation was one sided and sounded very Job-like until a bible story told in the Old Testament popped into my head. In this story, one of God's prophets, Elijah, is hungry and he is told by God to go to a widow and ask her for something to eat. There had been a famine for some time, and the widow told Elijah that she only had a enough flour and oil left to make a little cake for herself and her son, and then they would die. He told her to make a cake for him first, and, in faith, she did. When she went to make cakes for herself and her son, there was still enough flour and oil to do that. And there was just enough, every single day, to feed the three of them until the famine was over. I do not need big faith for something big to happen. I only need faith for enough flour and oil to make my daily bread. Over time, this faith is what sustains and feeds the soul, mends the heart, nourishes our spirit. We can always find enough.

1 comment:

  1. Can you imagine if someone asked us to do that? I'd be like-get your own cake! But of course, we would do end up cooking that cake with grace and realizing that it is better to give than to take. You've had to give so much, and it's amazing how full we can still be afterwards.
