Saturday, October 22, 2011

New Stories

We are hosting a book study on Sunday night, reading the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. The discussion follows our relationship with God, from the first days to now, examining the power and wonder of it. We all have stories to share of the first time we knew He loved us, or that we loved Him. We also share stories of times when we felt close to Him, and participated in an "out of the ordinary" experience when God was obviously using us to interact with another person. Some of these stories were in the long ago past, still fondly remembered and treasured. I have a friend who is pursuing God and working hard to improve health care in poor countries. His stories, and there are many, are each one new and recent and full of power. We reminisced about our travels together, but while I have stopped, he has continued in the work and the zeal and fire is strong in his words. I envied him, for a minute, because his stories are fresh and mine are stale. Then I realized that all I have to do is step outside of the ordinary, into God's Kingdom, and offer myself to whomever He chooses. Together, we will have a new story, one of redemption, grace, the power heal, to bind wounds, to set the captive free. It can happen every day.

1 comment:

  1. A story is only stale if it does not stir the original emotions of the time. We all need to refresh ourselves, but take joy in the past which creates our present.
