Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I don't normally read People Magazine because I hate that I am curious about the lives of celebrities, or celebrity wanna be's. It is hard not to see it on the way out of my favorite store (Walgreen's) since it is right out in front of the checkout counter. This issue had a picture of Kim Kardashian in her wedding dress with the headline blaring "marriage fail or fake". Now fake I get, but how can a marriage fail after 72 days? Richard and I married right after college. That was 35 years ago. I remember the times when I thought our marriage was failing. Those times were scary and sad, when the life challenges woven into our daily routines became more important than nurturing our love for each other. Those times when we didn't listen to the other's cries, didn't understand that one's struggles were both of our struggles, and had no words of comfort. When we walked our self righteousness and self satisfaction into the relationship, the thing shuddered and buckled like a paper boat on a raging sea. We learned over the years that together we were able to overcome any challenge, whether a death, or a rebel, sickness, poverty, downsizing, and the greatest one, our endless insecurities. Sounds like the marriage vows. By God's grace, we kept them.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness, you are an inspiration in these times of disposable nuptials and faux feelings.
