Sunday, December 4, 2011

Anderson Maxwell Butler

I haven't met you, but I know you. I know your mother. I know she likes to talk, and teach, and she puts 110 percent into everything she does. She has a contagious laugh. She loves to shop and play, she won't stop until she falls exhausted into bed at the end of the day. She loves Jesus.
I know your father. He is smart and dedicated to his family and he puts 110 percent into everything he does. He is clever with his hands, and can build beautiful things out of wood. He is not too manly to buy a sewing machine and learn how to use it. He loves to fly and play, he won't stop until he falls exhausted into bed at the end of the day. He loves Jesus.
I know the One who called you into being, who chose you before the beginning of the world to live a life that honors Him. He has already planned wonderful things for you to do, he has counted every hair on your tiny head, he knows you better that you will ever know yourself. He loves you.
I know you, little one, and I love you, too. When I meet you, I will look into your eyes and see your mother, your father...all those who have preceded you, and those that will follow you. And Jesus.


  1. Amy - your blogs make me cry in a GOOD way! Happy day! Nancy

  2. You're right to be happy with this post, very poetic. I think it deserves a write up and possibly a frame for the little man.
