Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Way Made Plain

We can travel the broken road. We can veer off the paved road and enter a place of bumps and ditches and dead ends. We can decide that we are bored with the routine and venture out into the unknown and unsure, looking for adventure, or a short cut. We can get lost. At that point, we then wonder what happened. Where are the signs, the comforting lights, the warm eateries, the gas stations, the cozy bed? Why is there a flat tire, dropping temperatures, empty stomach, empty pockets, sore feet? How do I get out of here? How do I get home? There is a story in the Bible about a man who did this. Actually, just about every story in the Bible is about every person, except one, who did this. Starting in the Garden, we have never been satisfied with the marked way. We think we know better, we allow ourselves to be swayed by thoughts of disobedience, fueled by distrust. We don't realize that the way made plain will take us where we are designed to go. Sometimes the way leads us deep into the valley, sometimes over the mountain. Sometimes through boring deserts, sometimes through endless terrain of exhilarating forests and crystal clear rivers. This way always has signs, always has lights and rests, always takes us home.

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