Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hot Tub

My husband and I spent New Year's Eve in a hot tub at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville. Actually we spent part of the evening there...the rest of the evening, into the New Year, we spent dancing to DJ music at a nightspot call Fuse. We were probably the oldest couple there, and were hit on by a young couple who thought we were cute. Maybe it was the zumba moves I was doing, or the crazy arm motions my husband was doing that put us in the limelight. Whatever it was, it made for a memorable evening, complete with noisemakers, funny hats and champagne toast. The next day, we were back in the hot tub, and the day after that and the day after that. We put our faces to the sun, shivered in the arctic air that created fast moving mist from the rising heat of the water. The water took away our goose bumped skin, took away our anxiety, our defenses, our fears. In the warmth of the water and the light of the sun, we were able to relax and talk, laugh and plan our future. We soaked in the mist and rubbed our cold ears, and sank into the reverie of our lives far away from the craziness of the past year.We laughed about being "it on the floor". I don't know if the young couple would understand how far we had come to dance.

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