Monday, January 30, 2012

While I still live

I am grateful that I am alive today. I did not expect to be. While I am still alive, others I know have died...some expectedly, some not. Some were old, with bags packed, ready to leave. Some were young and clinging to life until their fingers were pried from it. I have had my bags packed for a while, but have watched with amazement as others left ahead of me. Left children and spouses, left good jobs and great houses, left parents and friends. I underestimated my body's strength, my heart's courage, my spirit's joie.
I did not know these things had so much power in the hands of a mighty God. I did not know the power of a baby's smile, of a friend bringing dinner, of laughter, Zumba, or even hard work. While I am still alive, I can see the bigger picture of God's universe, how we fit together as pieces of His plan, how He wills us to see Him and know Him. With bags packed, I am free to love without condition, to let go of petty annoyances, to enjoy birdsong. It's like tent camping, when you pile all things necessary for survival into the back of a truck. You take up so little space, and need so little to cook with or sleep with, that your life takes flight. There is the end to fear, because in this little space there is only you, and God.

1 comment:

  1. ...and maybe, just maybe a very large ice cream cone! ; )
