Thursday, February 3, 2011


Sometimes I go too fast to really understand how something works, or what someone means, or what to do next. I hear the words without listening, processing, thinking. When I have to explain some of these things to someone else, I realize that I did not listen and I don't really have a clue. Sometimes I find that I fill in the blanks, making up things that might be right. I did this in geometry when I was in 9th grade. I mean, the sides of the isosceles triangle looked like they were the same size; I could just invent a theorem to prove that, couldn't I? So yesterday, my doctor was explaining about genes and gene flaws and more chemo and somewhere in there I started to understand something I only played at understanding, and started hearing a new song...the song of a life lived and striving to keep living. Despite genetic flaws and inherited deleterious codes and resistant cells I heard life and hope and keep going. The process of life is complicated and filled with awe; at any time we are doomed and redeemed simultaneously. In patient and carefully told stories, the bible is filled with wonderful explanations; bringing our life to light. Too fast, we miss the details, but in slowing it down, we can begin to understand.


  1. Doomed and redeemed at the same time. Yes. Could you have one without the other? Would we need redemptio if we weren't doomed? Would we be domed if we weren't redeemed?

    Wow, what an amazing day we have had today, starting in the black of way way pre-dawn for Daniel, Cora, Mac, and Chris. And ending with bubbles and cheesecake -- and in the middle an old life was prolonged, old jokes were still funny, old people still like each other. ALOT.

    Thanks for being the hostess, generous supporter, and narrator. You are the best.

  2. Lately I've been doind the hearing but not listening thing. It isn't a great way to live life and I've got to stop doing it or I'll miss out on great things!
