Monday, May 23, 2011

Caging the Beast

My husband found out last week that he has cancer now, too. A universally loathed screening procedure, recommended for everyone over 50, revealed a tiny monster. The tiny thing, once scrutinized and labeled, casts a long and dark shadow over the soul. It metamorphosizes into fear and panic, despair, doubt and deep sorrow. One by one, I call our friends. Our pastor. Our family. One by one, the prayers and encouraging words begin to rise,  building us an ark that will shelter us and keep us warm and loved. This ark of love and prayers will be the place where we learn to cage the beast. Together we will wrestle down the fear and panic, finding faith and deep joy. There will be difficult days ahead, but there will also be days of rejoicing. We will see the beast caged. We may have to live with it, but we do not have to be overcome by it. We are grateful for those who stand beside us.

1 comment:

  1. Even though the flood waters have not crested, let's stay in the ark of love and light together (and maybe crack open a bottle of yummy)!
