Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fish Prayers

I don't know if fish pray, but the Bible does talk about God feeding the birds and clothing the flowers of the field, and knowing when a sparrow falls to the ground. It must be possible for the life of God to communicate with the life in a fish as well as with us humans. At any rate, today I was instrumental in saving a little fish's life. I had no normal reason to notice that this sliver of struggling silver was even needing any help, except that my cat wanted to go outside. And since he is now an expensive cat, I had him on a leash. Since he is on a leash, I noticed when he chased after the dandelion weed I threw towards our pond. And as the dandelion fell by the edge of the water, and the cat chased it, and I chased the cat I noticed the little fish, caught in a submerged piece of landscaping netting. Unable to free the barely breathing fish with my fingers, I reached for the scissors I had brought outside to trim the daffodils. One snip and the fish darted away. I thought about the tight little sequence of events that had to happen for the rescue to be completed, and pondered some more when I returned home from brunch to find a small piece of landscape netting mysteriously on my placemat. Fish prayers, my prayers. Heard. Answered.

1 comment:

  1. That dang netting! Remember the turtle incident? I wish they would get rid of that junk. Not to taint your story, it is lovely (just like you)!
