Wednesday, August 15, 2012

When all is well

It is a peaceful day when everything around you, and everyone you love, is in sync with the best part of themselves. There are no urgent teary phone calls, no odd bills in the mail, no new scrapes on the car. You can feel the peace of the day unfolding like a soft blanket, and you know that today all is well with the world that you know. Those of us in first world countries get lots of these days. We complain about being "broke" but we have more money than most people in the world can even imagine. We complain about our political system, but we live under more freedoms than most citizens of the world. We berate our health care system, but, for the most part, I don't know anyone that can't walk into any emergency room today and get adequate care without paying one cent for it up front. We really complain about everything, from the speed of our phones, to the quality of our burgers, to the price of gas. Yet we have the best phones in the world, we eat more than we should and we continue to buy cars with 40 gallon gas tanks and somehow can afford to fill them up whenever the tank is empty. As I live now, stripped of almost everything I used to hold in such high esteem, I am more than ever appreciating the peaceful days, without complaining. Would that we could see how beautiful they are.


  1. Nice, Amy, as usual. The abundance of love and happiness and peace that is always available to us if we just sit still and listen...and open our arms to embrace. Do you really feel "stripped?" I hate it when things/people/ideas are removed, but I always appreciate the space that remains. More room for God.

  2. I do, I do see the beauty in every day, and thank you for reminding me to think about that again tomorrow.

  3. It's funny how I try to create those days by being "off the grid" and removing myself from my routine. Camping is such a solace. I'm so happy you and dad instilled that sense of adventure in me!
