Friday, January 14, 2011

Bruce (Almighty)

Our cat is named after one of my favorite movies. He is almost 4 years old. When we first moved into the condo, my husband was firm about no pets. We are not home enough, he said. I have always had a cat, so this was difficult for me but I complied and bought a huge green palm tree to take care of instead. Anyway, when I got sick, and was home all the time, he relented and Bruce arrived as a 3 month old bundle of orange and white furry fun. He is mainly an indoor cat, but in the summer I let him out for a few hours in the evening to chase frogs and snakes and mice. Last night, he acted very ill. He paced back and forth to the litter box, crouching for long minutes in the box, then in the sink, on the rug, and in the morning when I checked his box, it was as clean as it was before I went to bed. So I took him to a 24 hour vet this morning and was told he had a urinary obstruction and would die without medical intervention. This intervention, I was told, would cost at least $940 on up to way over $1,000. I stood there for a minute or two, pondering my choices...hating that I had to decide if he was worth it...then deciding I was worth it, because I love this cat. Get well soon, grasshopper, see you Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. You are a wonderful mom, even to your plants and pets! The question we really have to ask ourselves, is could we live without regret knowing that we condemned an organism to death because we didn't think it was worth the $$. Sometimes it really isn't about the money and it's more about your personal connection with the animal, and your sympathy for their quality of life. Bruce has a great life and I hope he continues to share his rowdy nature with you for years to come!
