Thursday, January 6, 2011

Live like there is a tomorrow

There is a popular song out right now that says: " live like you're dying". I have been a nurse for a long time and I have taken care of lots of people while they were dying and I don't want to live like that. It is sad. Now I know that is not what the songwriter meant, but taken literally it seems to be a pretty morbid and introspective and maybe even selfish way to live. So I think that it would be better to live, not like there is no tomorrow, but that there is a tomorrow. A tomorrow that can be filled with joy and love and all the best that life has to offer. That would mean taking care of yourself today, eat right, be nice to the people and animals you share the planet with, pick up your trash...because you will be here tomorrow and you need to make sure it is all still healthy and good. You need to take care of the people God puts in your life so that they have the courage to live for tomorrow as well. We all have thoughts about saying goodbye, and how that would be, but better to just say "goodnight, it was a lovely day, see you tomorrow." I want to live prepared to enjoy each new day God purposes to give me, and at the end of it, make sure I have plans to enjoy tomorrow too, where ever I might be.

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