Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Good Haircut

I have the best hair stylist ever. Her name is Tracy Dwyer and she has her own spot at Salon Concepts in West Chester. I have known Tracy almost the entire time I have had cancer. She has kept my hair looking good no matter how much was falling out or, as she called it, "self-texturizing".  This last time I was ready to shave it all off, since it was falling into my coffee and all over my clothes, but Tracy just cut it shorter and fluffed it up with her magic potions and it looked just wonderful. Back in younger days, I used to cut my own hair, color my own hair, wear it in ponytails, braids, big clips or just hanging super long down my back. I used to say, aloud, that when I got older I would never wear my hair short, I would keep it long and thereby stay youthful. Funny how what we say we would never do we find ourselves doing down life's road. Maybe it is our own fears and insecurities that shout "I would never do that". It feels righteous and confident, but I think it is the opposite. I wear my hair short now. Partly because I think it looks good on me, but mostly because I am never sure what the next treatment plan will do to it.
 I am glad that now that I do what I said I would never do I have a good friend that does it very well.

1 comment:

  1. It's a funny thing to think we need a boost on the outside to help us on the inside. I remember you said once, if you feel terrible, it's best to look great! And of course, you are a beautiful woman.
