Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunny Day

Yesterday was such a beautiful sunny Sunday. Breezy, 75 degrees, perfect for a long walk to the ice cream store for a small Thin Mint ice cream cone. Today it is cloudy, stormy and rainy. Of course it is spring in Ohio, and that is how spring is here. It is transition time. Unpredictable, sometimes violent, sometimes balmy. We keep our umbrellas handy, not sure it is quite time to put away the winter coat, ready to till the garden but not ready to plant. Life seems to go that way most times, sunny one day, dark clouds the next. Our lives transition from age to age, seasonally lifting, settling, calm then storm. We keep our eyes on the sky, hope in hand, making plans but also contingency plans. The sunny day that starts with clouds, predicted cool temperatures, but warms up to wonderful, is a gift that is not soon forgotten. It's the promise that the storms will abate, and we can put our chair cushions back on the porch furniture and relax. That sunny day waits behind every cloud, our hope in each tomorrow.

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