Saturday, April 30, 2011

Baby Duck

We live by a semi large body of water, legally described as a wetland, that is home to a variety of wildlife. Herons, geese, ducks, muskrats, cranes, coots, turtles, snakes and frogs would call this home. This is the time of year when the waterbirds' eggs hatch and our body of water fills with goslings and ducklings, carefully and sometimes aggressively tended by their parents. Yesterday, I noticed a sole baby duckling, brand new, still fluffy, swimming bravely up and down the perimeter of this water, no parents in sight. It's soft peeps calling out to find one to own it, defend it, care for it. It went on for more than an hour, until I could no longer bear to watch. I tried to call to it, with human peeps, bits of cracker, but only served to frighten it even more. Without guardians, this baby duck would probably not survive the cool night or hungry snapping turtles. It's fragile little life, so soon begun could as easily end in a single day. Yet, in this, is the reminder of the order of things in this life. We live in a world God created, full of dangers yet also joys. But He is no errant duck parent.  Our every peep is heard by Him, and He calls back to us. If we listen carefully, we can find Him, and be safe.

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