Friday, February 24, 2012

Unseen Gifts

I have worn many different hats in my 30 years as a nurse. I have been present in hundreds, maybe thousands, of significant life moments in the care of my patients. Some moments were very sad, as those I cared for had to face their own death. Some moments were filled with urgent activity, to assess an injury or disease, and work with a team to bring health back into their lives. Some moments were filled with joy, when a wiggly wet newborn entered the world in my waiting arms. That was the job I thought I loved best, and felt the worst about leaving. For some reason, as time has passed, I forgot about the joy and only remembered the frustration and the reasons why I felt I had to leave. I got stuck thinking about it. Today I realized that all those different hats served a purpose in forming the person I am today. It doesn't matter that I am no longer in those roles, or why I am not. What matters is that the lessons I learned about life and death, courage and perseverance, forgiveness and friendship are lived out each day for my benefit and for the benefit of those around me. These lessons are the unseen gifts that each moment gives us; lessons best remembered with an open mind and gentle spirit. Then we become unstuck and teachable again.

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