Monday, July 16, 2012

The best advice

I think my father's favorite film was Pollyanna. I liked it because Haley Mills was in it and I thought I looked like her. The reason why I think he liked it so much was because he was forever wishing, out loud, very loud, that I would be more like her. She was always finding the silver lining in every cloud, always happy and smiling, cheering up grouchy old ladies etc. I have to admit that I found it easier to be negative and long faced about things, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I actually thought I made that up until just recently, when I discovered that it is the working life plan for pragmatic people like me. Anyway, in order to see if the Pollyanna way was workable, I started this collection of stories. My first requirement was to find something good in every day, and record only that when the day was done. In almost 2 years of writing, I have found that it has gathered a small group of followers, and opened the doors to new relationships, as well as given me joy, peace and acceptance of what life puts in my path. There is always something good in every day; it might take some thought to find it, it might have to be orchestrated, but it is always available. Sometimes the best advice our parents give us is the one we have the hardest trouble accepting. I am glad I gave Pollyanna one more try.

1 comment:

  1. Just as long as we don't have to watch it, you can be my Pollyanna memory.
