Monday, July 9, 2012

In between the pandemonium

My family is all together again. There are toys strewn all over the house, baby wipes and diapers in every trashcan. The cat is spending most of his day hiding from Miss Collette. There is shouting and laughing, crying and whining. Even from the adults. We had no air conditioning for 3 days in 100 degree weather. People are coming and going, to wedding planning events, extended family events; to the grocery store, the mall, the playground and pool. Doors opening and closing, the washer and dryer running constantly. Sometimes I would like to find out where the cat is finding his peace and quiet and hide there with him. Just for an hour or two. Just long enough to catch my breath, quiet my mind, pray and rest. Of course, we have plenty of that when family is not here. Funny how the presence of more people causes the comfortably warm soup to bubble and sometimes boil over. How loud is the quiet in between the pandemonium, when children are sleeping and mothers are knitting. How nurturing the peace, that blows across our faces like the cool air from the repaired air conditioner, eliminating any harsh or hasty words. It breaks open our smiles and restores our joy. Our happy, normal, noisy family.

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