Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Life without guns

I hated what happened over the weekend, innocent movie goers randomly slaughtered. I hate hearing about shootings and craziness and wars and weapons. I hate hearing the blaming and finger pointing and who should have done what and how can this be prevented in the future. I hate that it keeps happening to people, that someone goes crazy and anyone is in the way of the one that does. We share this precious planet, a brief span of days to live in, just so many moments to love someone, hug someone. Every time I hear that a life has ended sooner that one's actuarial 78 or so years, I grieve at the loss of those moments, those hugs. The loss of someone that is loved diminishes the lives of all of us in tiny ways. It is like a light that goes out and leaves some greater darkness. Yet, the love of God reaches past all our woes and craziness, into the hurt and dark, and lights more lights. He ignores our faulty gun and mental health laws and impotent political swaggering. He shows us a life without guns, a life lived with compassion and concern; wise as serpents, innocent as doves. It is hard work to live that life, we might rather carry a concealed weapon to feel safe. I would rather lean into the light.

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