Thursday, July 19, 2012


It rained here yesterday, maybe for an hour. It didn't rain at my dad's farm. The corn and beans there are still struggling through cracked earth. Here the little pond is shiny again and ducks are wandering the banks, snacking on greens and swimming again. The global warming people are speaking doomsday speak, and politicians are volleying about what to do. Drought, heat, dying crops, rising food prices; all cyclical, evidence of our cavalier attitude about the earth's ability to regenerate and renew itself. Depending on where you decide to look, you can see the shiny pond or the parched corn. You can see the ducks swimming happily or the tree leaves turning brown and dropping prematurely. Neither shows an accurate picture of what is happening; life happens somewhere in the middle of both views. Without pointing fingers or casting blame, we need to look at our world with our eyes wide open, and see it all. We need to pay attention to what is around us; close by us and far away from us, in order to learn what our role is in preserving shiny ponds and happy ducks. God gave this world to us to live in, we can make dozens of decisions every day that will impact what kind of world we leave for those we share it with.

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