Monday, July 30, 2012

A decent life

I read the One Year Bible. It is the perfect way to read it, a little of the Old Testament, a little of the New Testament, a Psalm and part of Proverbs. Like a full course meal in 15-20 minutes each day. And voila, at the end of the year you have read the whole Bible through. Today's reading was from Romans chapter 13. Because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for all to see.  In times past, some of my life wasn't so decent, but for different reasons. Now, so much of what is happening here I don't want all to see. I don't want to show my frailty or my grief, I don't want to cry or be sick in front of them, my little world of family and friends. But I belong to the day, and the day is full of these emotions and physical pains and sorrows. My little decent life will be lived out for all to see, because I am loved and the love is the kleenex and the whey protein and the hugs. I have not lost hope in Our loving Father, or faith in His compassion and His mercies that are new every morning. My tears are often of frustration that I cannot participate in the life that is happening around me. But I do love to see you smile, and hear your stories and share your life. Don't be afraid to call and see how I am doing today.

1 comment:

  1. want to see you guys soon. will call. and thank you again for the 1 year Bible. :) love,Elizabeth
