Sunday, October 24, 2010


Unseasonably warm, breezy, sunny. A perfect day for a walk, or a bike ride, or raking leaves. I didn't do any of that. I worked my mind, instead of my body, making things for the Weavers Guild craft sale in 2 weeks. There is so much inspiration available these days. Knitting books and patterns, online and in stores (and in my house), provide more ways to use up yarn than there are days to use them. Each project more intriguing than the next, spells trouble for someone with attention span problems.  It was quite an effort to stay on task, but I did. Assisted by the balmy day and solitude, I could stretch out my mind to the reaches of all the projects I wanted to finish. Yards of colorful wools and needles lay at my feet as each item received whatever little touch it needed to make it complete. Some of the items were reworks that didn't sell last year. Some are brand new creations. It was as if the energy that had been ebbing out of my spirit all week finally turned the tide, and began creeping back in. I can now look at the week rolling out in front of me and feel like I will be able to step into it, with zeal.

1 comment:

  1. good for you for finishing! feels good doesn't it? makes me want to make a list right now just so I can cross things off.
