Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Impossible Dream

Jane and I went to see Man of La Mancha last evening, performed by a very talented cast of Tucson locals. Every song was done to perfection, in this most moving and inspiring musical. I have loved the music since I was a child, when my parents brought the soundtrack home after seeing the show in New York. I listen to it still, from time to time. The songs seem to have even greater poignancy now, while facing my own glorious quest for life. Don't we all have a dream, that seems too far away to hold but too wonderful to forsake? Can we live life not as it is, but as it should be? That seems to fall in line with what God asks us to do, the kind of life that Jesus showed us how to live. To see the good in others, to be merciful, and brave, and willing to fight for what is right. To be willing to march into Hell for a Heavenly cause. Our pastor, Ben, is talking about our destiny. To find that can mean asking the question: What bothers you?" Not as in life's constant annoyances, but in what is going on in the world that begs for a champion, a valiant knight even in rusty armor? In the play, Cervantes asks, When people are at the end of their life, they ask why...not why they are dying, but why did they live? I do not plan on asking that question, ever. I plan to keep on dreaming.

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