Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Arms and Legs

My sister called me yesterday to tell me about a patient she was going to see today. This teenage girl had had a terrible episode of a raging blood infection, that caused irreversible damage to the circulation in her arms and legs. To save her life, the doctors have had to systematically remove both her legs and both her arms. Her kidneys have also failed so she is on dialysis. I was feeling a little droopy yesterday, but after hearing this nightmarish story I put on my big girl shoes and got some work done. I have thought about this girl all day today. What will happen to her? How will she cope with this new life, a life of dependency on others to meet her simplest needs? Will she find the strength to continue her life's journey? Will her family? I am so glad that my sister will be a part of the team that will help her find that strength. I have determined that I have never been so useful to God, in any of the missions activities I have been involved in, than I am now. There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel His presence, hear His words coming out of my mouth, share His love with others. I have arms and legs, and can still go and do, and so I will.


  1. Oh Amy how dreadful.......It really does make us get down on our knees and thank God every day for our life and our blessings....Kath

  2. ditto. and to be so young. It will break your heart. Melissa
