Thursday, November 18, 2010

Finishing Things part 2

Yesterday I finished my 4th cycle of this current treatment series, and, according to my doctor, I can be finished with it. I am cautious about this because I thought I was finished before, but that was 2 treatment series ago. I guess that is typical of most things in life. I remember when I finished college I thought I would never take another test. I have probably taken hundreds of tests since then, as I wended my way through nursing school, and then certification tests, and a return to college to study spanish. Then, with my children grown and gone I thought I was finished working in children's ministry, but now I am busy every other Sunday with 4Corners Kids. When I was told I had cancer, I thought my life was finished and looked at how unprepared I was to face that end. Three and a half years later, I am still working and playing and living a life that, though different in some ways, still looks remarkably like the one I lived before that difficult day. Finishing things seems to be a way to end a chapter, but not the whole book. What challenges us, calms us, encourages or restores us, we begin again.

1 comment:

  1. Its amazing to look back and see where we've been and remember how we used to think. Time is an amazing thing. It changes you. If you ever don't like your life, wait a few years and it seems it is completely different. It is never too late to do something better with your life. Thank you for that reminder. Melissa
