Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Joie de Vivre

Joy of living. My daughter Mary lives a life that illustrates this joie. She has an impulsive nature, generous, outgoing, always ready for fun. She is equally comfortable with the elderly and infants and all ages in between. Children love her. She giggles and plays with them as if she, too, were one of them. With children and adults, she can bring calm out of debate and make sense out of difficult emotional dramas. I admire her and love her. Sometimes her impulsive nature has caused conflict between us. I have stood, sometimes openly, sometimes privately, in judgment of her choices regarding money, travel, friends, social situations. As she has matured and bloomed, I think this judgment masks some envy. Her life is still young and full of wonderful promises. She laughs and plays, not worrying so much about tomorrow and rainy days. Her investments might not be in banks and stocks, but it is in people and places and memories and joie. Isn't this the life we were meant to live?


  1. Wow. note this one for the books, a mother is saying you were right and I was "possibly" wrong, and envious, to her child! impressive. very mature. I think you are becoming wise. Melissa

  2. Thank you mom. The joie I have spills over and seems to infect my surroundings. I do not pretend that I am the source of this happiness, it is rooted in the love I receive from my family, the support from my friends, and the satisfaction that I have made my parents proud. It's been a long road, but sharp curves and rocky gravel seem to have given way to paved boulevards. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to share this life with you!
