Monday, November 29, 2010


Celebrating Thanksgiving in my family has had many metamorphoses over the years.  My father's sister's house was where we gathered as children, a formal affair with dresses, coats and ties, speeches, toasts and treasure hunts. As time passed, and cousins grew up and married and moved, the celebration transferred to other venues. There are now many to choose from, depending on which coast you prefer and who is going to be where. This year we chose to visit my brother in Delaware, so the event was a whirlwind 1200 mile trek across 2 states through endless rain and truck spray. We ate delicious food, watched movies, caught up on the years events, stayed up late. My parents actually shared the main meal together for the first time in maybe 30 years, as my Dad traveled with us and my mother lives near my brother. I wonder what is the spell of the Thanksgiving meal, that draws families together across the country. There is no keeping it quiet, no matter how much the airlines charge for the Sunday home travel or how hard it rains. We seek each other out, to lean on each other and make sure we are still loved.

1 comment:

  1. the chemicals in the turkey and the carb overload. Its God's way of bringing us all together in peace. Thank God for homemade stuffing. Melissa

    ps. glad you had a good time.
