Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blood Test

I have had many a blood test in the past 3 1/2 years. I think maybe I am getting a needle stick for every time I ever stuck a needle in someone else during the course of my nursing career. That would be a lot. It certainly is something to see your own blood go shooting into the little red and yellow top tubes. The yellow top tube carries the blood that goes into the special machine that tests for the cancer antigen that will tell me and my doctor whether or not the chemo is working. I kid around with the nurse as she puts the label on it, and I know she knows I am nervous about what information that little tube will tell. It looks like anyone else's blood, in any other yellow top tube. But it is mine.  I have had this test done dozens of times. Still, each time, as I dial the phone to get the results the next day, like today, I feel the butterflies in my stomach. I wait for someone to answer the phone, I wait while they check the computer, I wait sometimes for the nurse to get on the phone. When the nurse gets on, the news is usually not good. Today I did not have to wait for a nurse. Oney, the secretary, told me my test result was normal. We were both glad. Normal is always good.

1 comment:

  1. My mom, a retired school teacher and principal, had surgery last week. She fell going up some concrete steps and she got 2 huge gashes in her leg. she had a skin graft (sp?). They wanted her to stay in the hospital for like 3 or 4 days so she would stay off her feet and rest. well the lady in the next room was screaming all day and night, she was in and out mentally, and probably 70-80 years old. she was getting a blood transfusion and pulled the needle out, they had an alarm that went off when she got out of bed, she kept yelling at someone named Karen...."Karen hurry up now," "Karen look at me," "karen sit up straight," "Karen...." My mom thought Karen was her daughter. Turns out shes a retired school teacher and was yelling at students all day and night long. my mom couldn't get any rest and the dr sent her home know what she was thinking. small world.
    ps. glad the test came out normal. very vanilla. goes good with everything.
