Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Eating when you are hungry

Tonight we got together with a large crowd of friends for dinner at a local restaurant. This was ice cream in and of itself, since I love getting together with friends and eating. Now the eating thing has been more of a problem since I have been getting older. Up until a few years ago, I could eat whatever I wanted and stayed slim. Not now. Maybe it is age, maybe sitting all day at my job, maybe boredom or anxiety eating, but I don't have the figure that I used to. I miss some of the clothes I used to wear that are now too tight. Recently, I read a review of a book written by a woman who had been on a weight loss merry go round for 30 years. She didn't blame her age, her sedentary job, boredom or anxiety for her weight problem. She blamed her mother. She did say that she finally decided to stop dieting and just eat when she was hungry and stop eating when she was full. I think that is a remarkable idea. So I have been trying it. It does require paying attention to your body. It sometimes requires finishing your meal without eating everything on your plate. I tried it tonight with my friends, at a restaurant. It worked perfectly. I did not eat everything, I did not bring any of it home, I did not get dessert, and I still had a great time. Yum.

1 comment:

  1. my mom was just saying the other day that she read an article that said instead of telling your child to clean their plate, you should just ask them if they are full. and if they're full, they can stop eating or be finished. to which I promptly replied, mom, you ruined me! she just laughed and said, I know, I was ruined too.
