Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Finishing Things

I love to start things...crafts, books, cleaning, journals...but I have a hard time finishing them. I don't know why that is. Many of my knitter friends are the same way, we might have 4 or 5 (or more) projects going at once. Most of them do get finished, eventually, but some find their way to the bottom of the knitting basket. I have books with bookmarks halfway through, magazines with post it notes marking things I want to read or cook or make. I have dolls that need dresses, scrapbooks that need a few more pages, wool that is almost spun. I find that as I continue to mark out my days, I feel more compelled to do things I think I can finish. I sew appliance covers for my business on Etsy, and I can finish a few in an evening. I read a magazine for a single sitting, then I recycle it so it no longer taunts me. I clean just one room at a time. I blog. I finish a craft project before I start another one. (well, I still need to work on that.) I call back my friends and reply to emails right away. I look at all these tasks with new eyes, realizing that once it is done, I am free to do something else. Amazing! Finishing things is like cleaning your brain, so that it is ready for a new idea, like a house for a guest.

1 comment:

  1. I am the opposite. a finisher. it can have its downfalls. like always having to finish that book you don't really like before you start the one you really want to read. and there's no reason why that makes sense to anyone, but you just have to finish it. starting more than one craft at a time?? what?? I can't even comprehend that...my husband likes to watch movies on netflix that you can instantly stream on you tv. since you don't have to wait for movies, you watch a lot more stupid movies that you would never watch. my husband can fast forward through a movie watching a few seconds every 15 or 20 minutes through...it drives me nuts. I tell him we either watch it all the way through or turn it off. he doesn't understand my need for finishing.

    so many things in life we multitask. unloading the dishwasher while cooking dinner and feeding the baby a snack. or folding laundry while watching tv and baking your husband cookies/listening for the oven timer. and it seems like the chores are overlaping and never ending and repetitive. Finishing what I planned to get done that day, or a book, or a craft, or whatever, is so satisfying. drawing a line through the checklist...clearing up the to do list...amen to the cleansing of the brain!
