Sunday, September 19, 2010

Orange Sunday

I go to a church that does church differently. Godwise, the stuff is all solid and relevant and biblical. It is everything else that is different. We like to have fun, before church, after church and yes, even during church. Today was Orange Sunday, the celebration of 6 years of ministry. Why Orange, I don't know. But it was a jumping off place for the energy of the day. Orange balloons, orange juice on the way in. Orange dunking booth for the kids. All the people who attend were encouraged to wear orange. We made orange cotton candy. There were more folks than I had ever seen there before...which was part of the point of the day. Smiles on everyone's faces. It was wonderful. The glow of God and the orange balloons made our different church make perfect sense. What is this great place? Check it

1 comment:

  1. It was a fun day, altho I'm sad that I missed the orange cotton candy! that sounds good. Brady got an orange balloon on the way out and he was thrilled. we tied it too his walking toy and did circle around the house. I could always see where he was because this bright orange balloon was floating around. and the bengals won. it was a good day.
