Friday, September 3, 2010


Sometimes I falter in my ability to be brave and positive and hopeful. I think I am doing fine, and then I start talking to people and their comments back to me reflect a self I don't like the looks of. I can blame them for not hearing me correctly, or some other misunderstanding; but to be truthful, they are only responding to what they heard, not just the words but also the tone. It is hard to study that reflection, to see every line and blemish, and not be discouraged. No amount of makeup can erase what is there, it can only cover it up temporarily. Better to face the flaws, and spend some time and thought into correcting them. My ice cream today was a flavor I don't really like...pistachio, maybe...the flavor of reality, reevaluation, readjustment. My hope is that God will transform it, yet again, into redemption.


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE pistachio, whenever you have extra pistachio you don't want, just call me up and I'll be glad to take it off your you momma

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself :) anyone who has had to eat pistachio ice cream everyday for 3 years deserves to request something different every once in awhile. Something better. Something with chocolate....
