Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Plank in your eye

It is funny how, when you have a problem in your life, you keep thinking about it over and over. Like a loose tooth, you worry it to the point of distraction. It is almost impossible to think about something else until that problem is resolved. Sometimes the problem is a person, and resolution is far away. Today these words came to me: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" This is in the bible, Matthew chapter 7 verse 3.  The bible is an amazing book, full of ideas and stories that have maintained their relevancy throughout time. This particular question was spoken by Jesus to his disciples. He didn't expect an answer from them right away, because what they were doing is what we all do when we find fault with someone. But this question does presuppose an answer, as all of Jesus' questions do. The answer to this question will bring peace to your soul, and to those you interact with throughout your day. The answer would have something to do with identifying the plank in your eye. This might take some time. I will need some cookies.

1 comment:

  1. Oreo's I presume? This is a wonderful anecdote to remember as we are constantly passing judgment when we ourselves have faults. I'm happy to say you and I have come to a good place in life-and accept each other not only as family, but also as friends.
